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Christmas to the sound of Luque
On the day of Purísima, the typical rumble of the Zambomba makes its appearance, announcing the proximity of the Christmas festivities and giving its name to the various groups that roam our streets singing the unique carols of Luque. Throughout the passage of time, the Luqueño carol has been awarded ...
Day of the Cross in Luque
May 3rd. On this day, the procession of the Vera Cruz takes place, starting from the hermitage of San Bartolomé, with its closure adorned by fireworks. There is also a tradition of creating neighborhood crosses and organizing a series of activities around them to raise money for a brotherhood.
The Brothers of the Dawn
In 1982, the ancient tradition of the Brothers of the Dawn was revived in Luque. This group of men, in the early hours of summer Sundays, roams the streets of the town singing traditional Aurora songs. They accompany their harmonious singing with guitars, bandurrias, lutes, the plaintive sound of the ...
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